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Jan 10

Shouldn’t this guy be in prison? Does he have immunity from criminal and/or civil liability? This corrupt clown is directly responsible for human death and suffering, economic and financial disaster, bankruptcy, etc. I guess if Trump isn’t immune, neither is this fraudster.

Jan 10


Jan 10

I really don't know why they're bothering. Everyone in Washington lies, so as long as Fauci continues to lie that he doesn't remember things he won't say anything that will get him punished. And even if slips and says something incriminating, there's no way he's going to prison.

Jan 10

I have never seen it advertised but there must be a “I Don’t Remember School” hidden deep within the belly of Democrat Headquarters open to all who toe the Democrat/leftist line. It’s similar to the Mafia’s “I have no recollection” model, with the main difference being that Democrats own the major media so they can be sure of a sympathetic response from the Fourth Estate.

Current and former big wigs from the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, NIH, NIAID plus all members of and every Democrat administration can testify without fear of being taken down by anyone in the major media.

The people responsible for this nation’s health policy, foreign defense and protection of its citizens according to the U.S. Constitution know that the Godfather has their back.

Jan 10

falsi is developing the same kind of memory problems that shrillary and others experience when they are called to testify!

Jan 10

It must be the impact of all that publick educashun - Randi Weingarten suffers from the same.

Jan 10

Over 300 comments, the vast majority aimed at vilifying Anthony Fauci. As Jonah Goldberg observed on this morning’s edition of The Remnant podcast (highly recommend - he and Mo Elleithee discuss Fauci between the 24 and 28 minute marks), Fauci was put in an impossible position by the Trump administration as the spokesman for its policies on the pandemic. Like Jonah, I’m not nominating Fauci for knighthood but my sense is that he was an exceptionally decent man and expert in his field who devoted a significant portion of his life to public service. Did he make mistakes? Sure but, if you want to stir up my friends in tinfoil hats, all you need to do is break out tequila shots and mention Fauci, Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum - then just sit back and hear hilarity ensue …

Jan 10

Faucci is not a decent man. He is clearly a narcissist. " Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them."

I'm not a psychiatrist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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